Thursday, April 17, 2008

Overdue for an Argument

Last night, on the eve of my fourth wedding anniversary, my wife told me "I think we will have an argument soon."
I asked "Are you mad about something?"
She said "No, I just think it has been along time since we have really argued. Most couples argue periodically."
I told her "I don't believe we have to have an argument just because we haven't had one for a while."
She retorted "Statistically people argue, it is human nature."
I replied "I believe if people keep their values and goals in alignment, they can live together in peace and harmony."
She told me "People who come from such different backgrounds as we do can never be completely in alignment."
I said "Well, not if they are both as stubborn as you!"
She said "Look who's stubborn, You are still saying we won't argue while we are in the middle of an argument!"
I guess I lost that one, but at least we can enjoy our anniversary in peace, knowing that we aren't due for another argument for a while. :D

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